Ways to Save before Departing

Some people believe that all that is required to plan anaffordable trip is a careful review of cheap traveloptions, such as cheapdeals, cheap airplane tickets, discount hotel rooms, cheap auto rentals, discounttravel deals, and cheap vacation packages. Unfortunately money is often wasted onadditional perks, products, and add-ons offered to travelers prior to leavingfor a trip.

Is it wise to insure your trip? How valuable are those extra inches oflegroom on a flight? Is an expeditedpassport service cost effective?

The following are products and services that you canprobably do without on your next trip, according to Smarter Travel:

  • Whiletravel insurance can be a smart purchase, it can also be a needlessexpense. To determine whether it isadvisable to insure your trip consider whether you are planning an unusuallylong and expensive trip, such as a honeymoon or a once in a lifetime trip toAsia.

    If you had to cancel your travel plans dueto something unforeseen, would you be OK with the money lost on non-refundabletravel purchases? Another factor toconsider is if you will be facing a higher risk situation such as your medicalinsurance not covering you abroad or heading to the Caribbean during hurricaneseason.

  • Privatepassport expediting service is very expensive and often not the best option forgetting a passport quickly. Americanscan get a same day passport directly from the State Department by visiting anofficial passport agency in person. Thecost is $195 which is much cheaper than the cost of a same day passport from aprivate company. Only travelers notliving close to a passport agency or unable to make it to one should pay for aprivate expediting service.

  • Selectairlines, including Spirit and AirTran, charge passengers who want to select anassigned seat when making a reservation. Such a privilege is of dubious value. While assigned seats increase your odds of sitting with a family member,it does not guarantee that you will not get bumped, find adequate space in theoverhead bin for your carry-on bag, or make it onto a plane before others cutin line ahead of you at the gate.

    A better and free option is to check infor your flight as early as possible. Bygoing online exactly 24 hours before departure you will likely be among thefirst to select your seat.

  • Somepeople purchase prepaid credit cards, which claim to be a safer and moreconvenient alternative to carrying cash abroad, to keep their money securewhile traveling. The claim that aprepaid card is less expensive than a debit card is false, as is the claim thatsuch cards help rebuild credit. Mostprepaid credit cards come with surprising hidden fees such as inactivity fees,reloading charges, monthly fees, and activation fees.

  • Do notassume that all premium seats are alike. Premium economy seats on select international flights sometimes are wellworth the price, offering greater seat pitch, a wider seat, and other benefitssuch as a power outlet, better food, and free alcohol.

    The advantages of premium economy seatingon domestic flights are often slim, with only a couple extra inches of seatpitch. However, such seats often alsocome with the privilege of early boarding which is valuable to people who fearnot finding enough overhead space for their carry-ons.

  • Thinktwice about paying to download a season of a TV show on your tablet before along flight. Airlines in flightentertainment systems have been improving with many major airlines now offeringlive TV and Wi-Fi services. Find outwhat your airline will offer for entertainment before purchasing videoelsewhere.

  • Payingfor expedited security such as JetBlues Even More Speed only makes sensedepending on when you are traveling. Ifyou will be flying during peak travel days, than expedited security can bedesirable. If not, find out the securitywait times for your terminal and airport on the Transportation SecurityAdministration website.

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