Is Life Better in Hotels?

Some people who travel frequently via cheap traveldeals, such as cheapairplane tickets, discount hotel rooms, and discounttravel deals, prefer hotel living.

Sarah Cone contends that everything in life is better in ahotel:

  • Wildsex requires surfaces and a new location can add variety that your home mayhave lost. Hotels tend to have a hint ofmystery similar to the best sexual relations. Hotels are often viewed as exotic places unable to be possessed. Hotels are popular for affairs andclandestine adventures.

  • Perfectsleep is often possible in hotels because their curtains often shut to anabsolute black. They also offer freshlylaundered and ironed sheets. Hotel roomstend to be quiet with solid walls and the feeling that the world is distant. Many find hotel beds ideal for soundsleep. They are palaces constructed fora pure, perfect night of sleep.

  • Theonly thing better than sleeping in a hotel is waking up in one. Hotels are built with location in mind andusually offer at least some rooms with desirable views. By arriving at hotels when it is dark, guestswho open their curtains in the morning can be exposed to an entirely newtwinkling city with new adventures beckoning.

  • Dignifiedbreakfasts are the wildest luxury for some guests. Hotel breakfasts can be sublimely elegant,arriving on silver trays with china, white ironed linens, and a budding rose ina crystal vase.

  • Hotellobbies can be a great place to work, particularly in luxury hotels. Upscale hotel lobbies are often filled withexotic strangers. You never know when anattractive guest will send over a drink that has the power to changeeverything.

  • Domesticharmony can easily be achieved by couples in rooms. Guests enjoy returning to a perfectly cleanhotel room at the end of the day, without a spouse having to do the work toproduce it. Chore less evenings stretchin front of hotel guests.

Hotels are homes built to inhabit and then leave. They offer all the pleasures of domesticity,with none of its burdens. Quality hotelsmake guests feel free and at home.
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