Most Americans Plan a Vacation This Year

Cheap airplane tickets, discount hotel rooms and cheap vacation packages, as well as a recovering economy are all factors in over half of Americans preparing to take a vacation this year. This is the first time in three years that the majority of Americans anticipate taking a vacation.

A recent poll found that 51 percent of American were confident (36 percent were very confident, while 15 percent were somewhat confident) that they will take a vacation in 2011.

This is an increase is 13 points from what respondents indicated last year. Just shy of 40 percent of those responding said that they were not confident they will take a vacation this year (25 percent not at all, 14 percent not very), a decrease of 4 points from last year.

Those age 35 to 54 were most confident (56 percent) that they would take a vacation while younger (51 percent) and older (45 percent) Americans were less likely to be certain a vacation was in their immediate future.

Survey results showed a higher correlation between income and likelihood of taking a vacation. Household incomes in excess of $75,000 a year were most confident (69 percent) whereas households earning between $25,000 to $75,000 were 53 percent confident, and those earning under $25,000 had only a 34 percent confidence in taking a vacation.

The study revealed a vacation deficit among a quarter of Americans. A vacation deficit is defined by the portion of American who claim a vacation is important to them but are not confident about taking one in 2011. This years vacation deficit is 24 percent vs. 28 percent in 2010.

Fewer respondents (57 percent) indicated an annual vacation is important (28 percent very important and 29 percent important) than last year. 63 percent last year and 67 percent the year before noted an annual vacation was important.

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