Tips on Making Air Travel More Enjoyable

Trips that start off optimistically with the purchase of cheap airplane tickets and discount hotel rooms or discount travel packages can end up less enjoyable because of the frustrations experienced when traveling.

By following a few tips you can increase your chances of enjoying your trip:

Do your best to avoid flying on Sundays or early on Monday mornings. Air fares tend to be higher on those travel days. Sundays tend to be when families travel so lines and delays are more common at security check points. Early Monday mornings is a favorite travel time for seasoned business fliers. Unless you fall in this category you will find it difficult to secure preferred seats and may find flights overbooked.

Arrange to be notified of flight delays. On most airline websites you can sign up to receive delay notifications.

Whenever possible do not check a bag. That way you dont have to later deal with lost luggage or wait up to an hour for you bag at show up at the baggage claim carousel.

Carry back up batteries for your mobile devices. By doing this, unexpected delays will not leave you with nothing to do. Since airlines often charge extra to watch TV on flights, many frequent fliers bring Kindles, iPads, or small computers to keep themselves occupied.

Stay clear of airline food which, unless you are seated in first or business class, tends to be overpriced and less than tasty. Instead, try eating immediately prior to departure or shortly after you have landed. Savvy travelers pack emergency snacks (such as pretzels and candy) in case they are unexpectedly stuck on a plane.

Be flexible and creative if you need to arrive at your destination on a set day. Sometimes the only way to get to point X once weather delays or cancels your original flight is to fly to a different destination altogether and then drive to your final destination.

Maintaining a positive attitude when traveling is important. Some business travelers regard business travel as a burdensome chore and find that such trips wear them down and sometimes even make them sick. Other business people view travel as a critical tool for their success, realizing that face to face contract helps build strong lasting relationships. Your attitude often becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
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