Surviving Red-Eye Flights

If cheaptravel deals, such as cheap airplane tickets, cheap vacation packages, discount hotel rooms, cheap auto rentals, and discount travel packages aredesirable, then sometimes the cheapest airfares can be found on overnightflights commonly called red-eye flights.

The following are suggestions on how to get through red-eyeflights and arrive better rested and functional, according to Smarter Travel:

  • Wheneverpossible do not take a flight that makes a late night connection. You will be far more likely to be able tosleep while in the air if you travel via a nonstop red-eye to your destination.

  • Selectthe right seat for you to get the best rest. Window seats are usually preferable since you will not have passengerstrying to climb over you while in flight and you will be able to rest your head(preferable on a piece of clothing you have bunched up) on the side wall of theplane. If you know up front you willneed to visit the rest room several times while in the air, then reserve anaisle seat.

  • Wearcomfortable clothing that can help you sleep onboard. Ideally passengers should wear loose fittingclothing made of breathable fabrics. Avoid clothes that pinch, pull orsqueeze. Taking your shoes off afterbeing seated often maximizes comfort.

  • Preparefor a red-eye flight by bringing an eye mask to block out light, earplugs tomuffle ambient cabin noise, and warm socks. Many people also find that packing a light blanket can help induce sleepin the air.

  • Find,purchase, and carry-on the travel pillow must likely to help you sleep. Different travel pillows are designed formany different types of fliers. U shapedpillows are best for passengers who sleep easily on planes and do not sufferfrom neck problems. The oblongTravelrest pillow is good for side sleepers. Stomach sleepers and those who often fall asleep while in the air on thetray table should check out the Skyrest pillow. Fliers who suffer from mid sleep head bobbing should look at the RelaxAlly headband.

  • Eventhough being well hydrated is important when flying, if sleep is your priorityon a red-eye, you should limit your fluid intake for two hours prior todeparture. Remember to try to drinkextra water towards the end of your flight. Dehydration worsens the symptoms of jet lag.

  • If youfind sleeping on a plane challenging, then consider medicating yourself eitherwith sleeping pills or over the counter natural or homeopathic medications thathave drowsiness as a side effect.

  • Take appropriatesteps before boarding your flight. Avoidcaffeine and alcohol right before departure and eat a light well balancedmeal. Immediately prior to boarding washyour face and brush your teeth. Not onlyare these good hygiene practices, these actions signal to the body that it istime to sleep.

  • Wakeup properly by drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced breakfast at theappropriate hour in your destinations time zone. Avoid drinking too much caffeine or alcohollate in the day because it can impede your next nights sleep. Upon landing expose yourself to lots ofnatural light to signal to your body that it is daytime.

  • Takeit easy the first day you reach your destination. Do not schedule big meetings or all dayactivities your first day. Make a pointof getting to sleep at a reasonable hour.
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