Energy Boost Strategies to Survive Early Flights

Travelers who value cheap traveloptions, such as cheapairplane tickets, discount hotel rooms, discounttravel deals, and cheap vacation packages oftenend up purchasing the first flights departing on any given day, since suchflights tend to be cheaper.

The following are suggestions on how to get an energy boostearly in the day so that you might be able to enjoy those couple extra wakinghours in a day:

  • Yogahas many benefits for travelers and certain poses are known to boostenergy. Poses such as downward facingdog, cobra, and bridge, as well as handstands and others that invert your bodycan make a positive difference. Forthose not interested in yoga, doing 100 jumping jacks also gets the bloodflowing.

  • Thereare certain pressure points on the body that can help provide a natural energyboost. The Three Foot Mile acupoint onthe outside of your right kneecap is one to try, along with the Zusanliacupressure point on the outside of your shin. For those who prefer reflexology, stimulating pressure points on thebottom of your feet (three points for energy) can boost energy since they arelinked to adrenal glands, thyroid and kidneys. You should massage these points regularly to gain the full energyeffects.

  • ArbonneEssentials Energy Fizz Sticks ($48 for 30 sticks) are pocket sized andinstantly dissolve in a water bottle and provide an energy boost and cognitivealertness. Antioxidants such as guarana, ginseng, green tea, B vitamins andchromium combine for 50 milligrams of caffeine which is about the same as adiet soda. Mind you, this is less thanthe standard 95 milligrams of caffeine in an average cup of coffee.

  • JivaCoffee Cubes ($5 for a four pack) provide a more intense pick-me-up and comesin the size of two sugar cubes, with between 35 to 100 milligrams of caffeine,depending which kind you buy. These cubesare available in caramel, mocha, French vanilla, and hazelnut varieties, inaddition to the black and extra strong versions. All you need to do is stir the cubes in hotor cold water and then drink.

  • Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock is an app ($1.99) thatanalyzes your sleep cycle from under your pillow and wakes you up at theperfect time, which is during your lightest sleep phase, to prevent earlymorning grogginess.

  • When planning on departing early eat a lightbreakfast or pack some to-go snacks such as portable berries, yogurt withalmonds or a packet of high fiber oatmeal.

  • A cold shower using caffeinated soap is anexcellent energy booster. Black MountainSoaps Sea Sale & Coffee Scrub ($60 for 12 bars) containing eucalyptus,lemon and coffee that is absorbed by your skin provides a refreshing zing. If there is no time to shower, a spritz ofpeppermint, cinnamon, citrus, or biting into a lemon, before washing your facewith cold water, can provide an energy boost.

  • Blasting your favorite music while gettingready helps get your blood circulating and you will receive bonus energy if yousing and dance along.

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