Easy Tips for Curing Jet Lag

The exhilaration brought on by the purchase cheap airplane tickets or cheap vacation packages to far away (usually defined as crossing several time zones) destinations is often tempered by the fatigue resulting from jet lag. This condition often results in travelers having a sense of malaise. They dont have their normal amount of energy.

An Oregon researcher recently suggested three basic approaches for travelers to deal with jet lag:

Reset the circadian clock inside you that tells you to remain awake during the day and sleep at night. This can be accomplished by taking the sleep aid hormone melatonin, timing your exposure to bright light, or by doing both.

Change your sleep schedule prior to your departure if possible, if only by a couple of hours. Otherwise take shorts naps when you are sleepy the first couple of days after you arrive.

Take medications that will help you sleep or stay awake depending on your objective. Caffeine is often effective in keeping one awake.

Controlled trials have shown that taking melatonin helps with symptoms of jet lag, according to extensive tests run by Dr. Robert Sack. Even though the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has not run tests on melatonin, no meaningful adverse effects have been observed by researches that have tested this product.

Melatonin is sold in the U.S. without a prescription as a nutritional supplement.

No drugs have been approved for jet lag by the FDA, but Dr. Sack claims that drugs that are targeted to help with alertness or insomnia can significantly reduce jet lag.

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