Avoid Embarrassment Overseas

While cheaptravel options such as cheap airplane tickets, cheap fares, cheapdeals, discount hotel rooms, discounttravel deals, and cheap vacation packages, maketravel affordable to foreign countries, it is easy to be misunderstood uponarrival if unfamiliar with local customs.

To avoid embarrassment, and wasting time and money thefollowing is recommended when traveling overseas, according to RobertFirpo-Cappiello:

Thewrong hand gesture is often interpreted as intentionally rude. For example, if you respond to a waiter inRio who asks if you enjoyed your meal by flashing him the OK sign (a circlewith your thumb and index finger) your responses is interpreted as a badinsult. In the UK the peace sign (or Vfor victory) with your palm facing inward is the equivalent of flipping thebird in America. In Spain extending yourpinkie and index finger from your fist is insulting.

Whilecommon touching in the U.S. makes Americans relatively reserved compared withsome European countries, in much of Asia and Africa, we are viewed as overlyhuggy. In Italy and France maintainingeye contact and reaching out and touching whomever you are speaking with isviewed as more polite than standing with your hands in your pockets staringover another persons shoulder. However,in China or Germany, that level of touching is likely to make the other personuncomfortable and in cultures like Nigeria, maintaining eye contact can beinterpreted as overly bold or threatening.

Tablemanners vary widely between cultures. Inparts of Africa, India, and the Middle East, keeping your elbows off the tableis not all diners should do. Diners arenot supposed to touch anything at the table with their left hands which areconsidered dirty. In France it isconsidered more polite to place your slice of bread on the table than to restit on your plate. While slurping soup inJapan is no problem, the same activity in China is frowned upon.

Likewise, eating rice with chopsticks inChina is expected, but considered inappropriate in Thailand where you shoulduse a spoon. In Brazil and Chile nothingshould be eaten with hands, not even French fries. In Cuba and Italy placing your cutlery on theright side of the plate means the diner is finished in the meal. Whereas in Spain flatware should be placed onthe plate to indicate you are finished. Whenever eating with a group outside ofthe U.S. you should wait for either the host or the oldest person at the tableto start eating before you commence eating.

Drinkingalcohol with others overseas is very different than in the U.S. When a Russian offers a vodka, a politeresponse is to accept and drink it down fast. In Japan sake should never be refused. In Switzerland it is rude to start drinking prior to a toast beingoffered.

Tippingetiquette varies widely overseas. Inmany other parts of the world, tipping is either including in the bill,culturally frowned upon, or unnecessary because waitstaff are paid much highersalaries than in the U.S. You should nottip in Australia, Brazil, and Japan. Leave 5 to 10 percent for outstanding service in France, Germany, and Italy. Leave 10 to 15 percent in Hong Kong (but donot tip elsewhere in China), Egypt, Russia, and South Africa.

Bodylanguage is easily misinterpreted in foreign countries. Keeping your hands in your pockets while inSwitzerland during a conversation is viewed as rude. In Turkey it is acceptable for friends of thesame sex to hold hands. In selectcountries, including Peru, it is unacceptable to cross your legs at theankle. In others, including SaudiArabia, crossing legs at the knee is forbidden.

Unlessyour destination is Australia or Canada, you should dress conservatively uponyour departure. Cover your legs and armsand avoid T-shirts with slogans or graphics that may offend strangers.

Avoidtopics such as wars, scandals, royals, politics, religion, and diplomaticrelations with the U.S. Remember to bevery circumspect around casual acquaintances and strangers.

Learnkey words/phrases before departing such as Hello, Goodbye, Please, Thankyou, Excuse me, Where is the bathroom? and Do you speak English? Such phrases will endear you to the locals.


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