Why Flying is Increasingly Safe

The availability of cheap airplane tickets and cheap vacation packages lead many people to take vacations. People reluctant to fly because of safety concerns should be pleased to learn that just a decade ago passengers were 10 times more likely to die when flying on an American plane than they are today.

People traveling in cars are eight times more likely to die than passengers flying.

Reasons for improved safety include:

The airline industry has learned from past mistakes. New planes and engines are designed to avoid previous problems. Accident investigations have lead to changes to ensure the same missteps are not repeated.

Better sharing of information allows pilots, airlines, plane manufactures and regulators to track accidents and near misses. For example, now regulators are able to identify a particular runway if it experiences a higher rate of aborted landings when there is fog and direct improved lighting be installed as well as add more time between landings.

Safety audits by outside firms, including the International Air Transport Association, ensure that airlines follow proper maintenance and safety procedures.

An experienced (typically on the job for decades) workforce, including air traffic controllers, pilots and maintenance crews, especially in North America and Europe, have contributed to enhanced safety. Such experience have proved crucial when making split second decisions and instilling a culture of safety in younger employees. www.cheapfares.com

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