Use of Electronics on Planes May be Expanded

As happy as people are flying via cheap fares such as cheap airplane tickets and cheap vacation packages, some travelers find the rules restricting the use of personal electronics on planes silly as well as frustrating.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) asked a 28 member committee that represents airlines, manufacturers, electronic makers, pilots, and flight attendants to review its current policy which mandates that electronics may not be turned on when a plane is lower than 10,000 feet in the air.

This committee has recommended allowing the use of electronics for reading, listening to music, and playing games during takeoff and landing. It concluded that the downloading of data should continue to be prohibited at lower altitudes.

The committee did not make any cellphone recommended changes which are forbidden in flight by the Federal Communications Commission.

Whether the recommended changes are implemented will be decided by the head of the FAA.

In air use of electronics has been limited in the past because of concerns regarding potential interference with cockpit communications and navigation equipment. Demand for greater use of electronics on planes has grown as electronics became more widespread and plane equipment became less susceptible to stray signals.

Consumer groups and certain federal lawmakers have claimed that electronic readers are no more dangerous than traditional books during takeoff and landing. Legislation has been threatened that will permit greater use of electronics aboard planes flying under 10,000 feet if the FAA does not act.

Amazon has welcomed the committees recommendations. It had a seat on the panel and sells Kindle electronic readers. Amazon has tested flying an airplane packed with Kindles without seeing any adverse impact at any flying level. Amazon claims that easing air electronics restrictions would be a big win for the customers and frankly, its about time.

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