Travel Related Illnesses Vary by Sex

Although both sexes value cheap airplane tickets and cheap vacation packages, men and women tend to experience different types of illnesses when they travel.

Research found, in a study of almost 59,000 international travelers, that women are more prone to suffer from diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems, colds, urinary tract infections and adverse reactions to medications than men while flying.

Men, on the other hand, are more likely to suffer from fever, including from infections transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, malaria, dengue and rickettsia. Men were also at greater risk to suffer from mountain sickness, frostbite or sexually transmitted diseases.

Doctors believe that this data is useful because its results are actionable. For example, they recommend that women passengers should make certain that they carry anti-diarrheal medication on all international flights. Researchers believe that men should pay particular attention to preventive measure for mosquito borne illnesses like malaria such as the frequent application of insect repellent.

It is not certain why one sex is more likely to suffer certain systems than their counterpart. However, one factor, is that men are more attractive to mosquitoes because those insects are lured by sweat.

Researchers observed that women may be more susceptible to gastrointestinal illnesses than men, or they may simply be more likely to seek treatment for them.

Past research has shown that men are more likely than women to have sex with someone overseas. Researchers noted that safe sex advice is a missing component in most pre-travel practices (and) that male travelers, in particular, would benefit from greater preventive efforts.

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