Tips on Relaxing on Planes

After tearing around preparing for a trip made possible in part by the purchase of cheap airplane tickets and discount hotel rooms or cheap vacation packages, often all you want to do once you have boarded a plane is take a nap.

Unfortunately there are many distractions to deal with including not enough legroom, people climbing over you, babies crying and sunlight pouring in from your seatmates window.

The following are suggestions as to how to successfully experience some shut eye on flights:

Select your seat wisely. If possible, secure a window seat since it will give you something to lean against and allow you to be out of the way of other travelers in your row. Window seats provide some control over the window shade.

Experts differ when it comes to the best seat location on a plane. Space in the rear of a plane tends to be noisier because of a planes engines and flight attendants gallery preparation, but often that is where a couple of empty seats can be found.

Limit what you carry on so that you do not have to place a bag under the seat in front of you, limiting your legroom, making it more difficult to sleep.

Stay away from drinks with caffeine the day you will be flying. Only partake in water or juice.

Bring along a neck pillow. Be open to experimenting to see whether it is more comfortable to use it as designed or turn it around to hold up your chin while you sleep.

Consider taking an over the counter sleep aid, such as melatonin. Dramamine, a common motion sickness remedy, also helps with sleep.

Reclining your seat is OK as long you look behind your seat first. Give the person behind you a heads up if their tray table is in use.

Before falling asleep let your flight attendant know if you do not want to be disturbed.

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