Stay Healthy When Flying

Travelers who were pleased with their purchase of cheap airplane tickets and discount hotel rooms or cheap vacation packages sometimes become ill when traveling. Unfortunately, airline cabins often contribute to people catching the common cold.

A recent study found that viruses may be over 100 times more likely to be transmitted while flying than during normal activity on the ground. Extremely low cabin humidity caused by low humidity at high elevations was found to be the primary culprit.

The following are ways to avoid contracting a virus while flying:

Keeping well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, not only helps avoid headaches, stomach problems, cramps, fatigue and more, but also fortifies peoples natural immune mechanisms. Caffeine and alcohol consumption tends to dehydrate passengers. Sipping water throughout the flight is a more effective way of staying hydrated than drinking a lot of water at one time before or during a flight.

Peoples hands are the most common point of first contact with viruses and other germs. Germs can survive for hours on your skin or on objects such as armrests, tray tables, overhead storage bin latches, and other similar surfaces. Washing hands with hot water and soap helps prevent the transfer of harmful microorganisms. If possible, travelers should wash their hands prior to eating in-flight meals and after departing the plane. Otherwise bring and use alcohol based wipes to keep hands clean.

Using a germ killing mouthwash while flying helps fend off germs and keep travelers throats moist.

Although there are no definitive studies that confirm that taking large doses of vitamin C will prevent colds, the National Institute of Health (NIH) has acknowledged that it may reduce the severity or duration of symptoms.

Since airborne germs are one of the top two sources of cold virus infection, wearing a mask while flying may either prevent infection or prevent an existing infection from spreading.

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