Movies that can Stimulate Great Travel Ideas

It is amazing how many would be travelers know how to find cheap airplane tickets or cheap vacation packages, yet are at a loss of where to visit.

The following are movies that potential travelers might want to view in order to inspire thoughts of intriguing destinations:

Midnight in Paris is Woody Allens most recent romantic comedy. It focuses on an American in love with Paris. This film shows miles of sidewalk cafes, interesting street vendors, elegantly dressed women, and the Eiffel tower at night.

Lost in Translation is a Sofia Coppola film shot in Tokyo. Tokyo is portrayed as a mysterious, moody, otherworldly destination with impressive footage of the city.

Under the Tuscan Sun features Diane Lane as a divorcee on a two week tour of Tuscany who decides take up residence. Stunning Tuscan landscapes and interesting, though crumbling, Italian villas are shown throughout the movie.

Roman Holiday is an Audrey Hepburn movie about a Princess who breaks away from royal life touring Rome and accidentally finds romance. The ancient sites featured in the film are still available for tourists to visit.

Eat Pray Love features Julia Roberts traveling the world in search of direction while trying to cope with a depressing divorce. The films impressive cinematography using Italy, India and Bali as backdrops alone make this movie worth seeing.

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