Food to Avoid Before Taking to the Air

Dont think you are all set to walk on that airplane after having purchased cheap airplane tickets and really cheap discount hotel rooms. Knowing what foods to avoid prior to your departure can make a big difference in your comfort while flying.

In advance of flying you should drink plenty of water, eat carrots and nuts and avoid:

Extra greasy artery clogging fast food (typically burgers, fried chicken, pizza, fries and chili dogs) that is high in saturated fats.

Foods that contribute to bloating such as fried and super saturated dishes, as well as onions, cauliflower, cabbage and baked beans.

Alcohol contributes to dehydration and can result in passenger having difficulty getting back to sleep after being awakened. Hangovers are more likely if alcohol is consumed immediately prior or during a flight.

Carbonated beverages contribute to bloating and cramping and can cause gas and have a diuretic effect.

Food in general if you are taking a long trip. Researchers, in a study published in the Journal of Science in 08, found that fasting for about 16 hours prior to a long flight may help reduce the effect of jet lag.
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