Extras Most Airlines Continue to Offer

In order to continue to offer cheap fares, including cheap airplane tickets, cheap vacation packages, and discount travel packages, airlines have steadily reduced in-flight amenities which in turn has earned airlines their tightfisted reputation.

The following are free extras and services still available to passengers who know to ask:

Many planes continue to offer small flier wing pins for kids to commemorate their flight. Flight attendants usually have access to these pins.

If you are thirsty, politely request the whole can of soda (or whatever you are drinking) when flight attendants are passing out free drinks. Otherwise you will not have much to drink out of the little plastic airline cups piled with ice. Even when the plane is low on cans, flight attendants will usually offer to come back later to refill your cup once you make your request.

Many planes are stocked with basic medications such as painkillers and antacids. Flight attendants usually have bandages available to treat minor cuts and can make ice packs for injuries.

Flight attendants are usually happy to refill empty travel bottles with water.

If you have a personal medical emergency while on board, your flight attendant is likely to be able to help you find a doctor while in the air. Most airlines will make an announcement over the loudspeaker asking a doctor to identify him or herself. Some airlines even provide doctors frequent flier miles for identifying themselves to the airline before boarding.

If you are hungry, it never hurts to ask for seconds on snacks that some airlines pass out. Usually, if there is extra after everyone has been served, flight attendants will positively respond to requests for more. Early and late night flights when many passengers are sleeping are ideal times to ask for seconds.

If you have been assigned a seat away from a travel companion, or for any reason would like a different seat, flight attendants often can help arrange seat switches. If changing your seat is the goal, make your polite request as soon as possible after boarding.

Flight attendants are usually willing to watch a baby or child for a couple of minutes when a parent traveling alone needs to go the bathroom.

Many pilots are happy to give mini cockpit tours before or after a flight. Usually the best time for such a visit is after a flight has landed since that is when pilots tend not to be as busy.

If you would like to clean your tray table, armrests, and entertainment system buttons (all of which typically are full of germs) before settling in, request a few sanitizing wipes from a flight attendant.

Above all, remember the best way to make a successful request, is to always be nice!

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