Encourage Young Kids to Sleep on Flights

While cheap airplane tickets and cheap vacation packages are often critical in planning a family vacation, extra steps need to be taken if you want to help your children sleep on planes.

Delicious Baby recommends the following to encourage babies and toddlers to nap on planes:

Select flight times that coincide with your childs nap times or bedtimes. Have your child get plenty of physical activity before departure. These days many airports offer play areas. Otherwise find a relatively empty gate where your child can run around.

Place your child in a window seat so that there will be fewer distractions from passing flight attendants and passengers. After takeoff, shut the window shade and make certain that overhead lights are turned off.

Full stomachs have proven to make people sleepy. After passing through security, feed your child, ideally something with lots of protein and very little sugar.

Remember takeoff is the best time to get children to sleep because there is no cabin activity and the soothing engine noise is at its loudest.

Stay with as much of your childs sleep routine as possible, including putting on PJs, reading books, and quietly singing, or listening to calm music over an mp3 player.

Sippy cups filled with milk help childrens ears during takeoff and provide a mild sedative effect. Breastfeeding is a super effective way of inducing sleep. www.cheapfares.com

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