Don’t be an Inconsiderate Flier

Some travelers savvy in the ways of how to find cheap travel deals, such as cheap airplane tickets, discount hotel rooms, discount travel deals, and cheap vacation packages, nevertheless are miserable to sit next to on planes.

The following are signs that you make traveling unpleasant for others and are likely to be subject to scornful glares and smug whispers while in the air, according to Smarter Travel:

Reclining your seat so far back that it is in the lap of the person behind you. Considerate passengers look behind them before reclining their seats and make certain that their seats are not reclined during mealtime.

Take off their shoes while in the air. Scientific studies have found that the majority of people with smelly feet are completely unaware that their feet smell. Similarly loud farts, smelly snacks, and bad breath offend fellow passengers.

Kids who are out of control are particularly irritating. People generally understand that crying babies sometimes cannot be calmed. That is not the case with out of control seven year olds who bother other passengers, particularly while the parents sit nearby doing nothing.

Grabbing the seat in front of you every time you get up significantly disturbs that passenger. No one likes to have their seats pulled back and released like a slingshot with no warning. You should not touch anyones seat unless you would otherwise fall.

Loud talking, laughing, chewing of food with an open mouth, listening to loud music on cheap headphones, playing any kind of a game with sound effects, and/or making bodily noises disturbs fellows seatmates, particularly ones trying to get in some shut eye.

Being overly friendly and communicative with fellow seatmates who may desperately just want to be left alone and possibly given the chance to nap.

Doing things that should only be done in private including anything from picking at your bare feet or nose to scratching a scab or making out with whomever you are flying with.

Being inconsiderate of others by using the flight attendant call button frequently to ring for service, snapping your fingers at a flight attendant because you want something to drink, spending excessive time in the cabins bathroom doing anything other than taking care of business, or asking to switch seats on a full flight because you do not like your middle seat. Be realistic and do not expect a superior, personalized flying experience in coach. Instead do your best to get along.

Drunk passengers are the worst and often end up attracting the attention of federal authorities when they land. Yelling and/or using profanity at 30,000 feet will likely result in you being escorted off the plane by police and facing disorderly conduct charges in federal court.

Space invaders whose carry-on items and/or make body movements that intrude on fellow seatmates. Other irritating space actions include carrying on such a large bag that it takes up an entire overhead bin and poking your elbows across adjacent seats.
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