Common Hotel Spa Myths

Just because you value cheap traveloptions, such as cheapairplane tickets, discount hotel rooms, discounttravel deals, and cheap vacation packages, doesnot mean that you need to dismiss the notion of using a hotel spa out of hand assumingthat they are too expensive.

Hotel spas are not only important to many travelers, but insome instances have become destinations in themselves due to heavy investmentbeing made to upgrade and expand facilities as well as hiring well trainedstaff. Not all hotel spas or thetreatments they offer are comparable.

The following are myths about hotel spas you need toovercome the next time you want some pampering, according to Everett Potter:

  • Hotelspa treatments are prohibitively expensive. While there are places that charge $500 or more for a combo of services,many offerings are affordable. Todaymany hotel websites will list spa treatment prices, making it easy for valuelooking spa-goers to comparison shop. Often combo services offer the best values. Massage facial duo services, or a facial thatcomes with a foot and scalp massage, at spas can save people about $75.

  • Resortspas are frequently superior to day spas. While many resort spas focus on being current, and hire great therapistsand facialists, they often use products that are not as appealing or special asto what is available at home. Theretends to be more innovation at day spas. However, be aware that day spas tend to vary wildly in quality.

  • If youare not sore the day after a treatment, that treatment was not very good. People used to believe that the litmus testof a really good massage was next day soreness that proved that the therapisthad really gone deep and worked muscles that really needed to be worked. While it can be a challenge to fixsomething in an hour when muscle tension and stress may have been building forweeks or months, many therapists have created massage services aimed atproviding deep tissue work without leaving the guest in pain.

  • Theeffects of a massage or other spa treatments tend to dissipate very quickly. One massage treatment can be life changingfor some people or it can be the equivalent of going to the gym once. The results may have more to do with you thanthe treatment, the frequency with which you get spa treatments, and the type ofshape you are in.

  • Massagesmay make you feel better, but provide no real medical benefits. The reality is that most people who decide tohave a massage do not do so because their doctor says they should do it. Instead they enjoy massages because they tendto feel great afterwards. Most wouldagree that a sense of well-being is an essential part of being healthy.
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