Avoid Diarrhea While Traveling

Adventurous travelers are often drawn by cheap airplane tickets or cheap vacation packages to visit developing countries. Unfortunately the most common travel ailment when visiting such places is Montezumas Revenge, which is a very bad case of diarrhea.

When it comes to eating food in third world countries make certain it is boiled, peeled, cooked or not eaten. Some travelers think that as long as they are drinking soda poured out of cans that they are safe. Unfortunately they often pour the soda over ice made of water than can make them sick.

Another common way to accidentally consume unsafe water is by using tap water to brush teeth. Savvy travelers keep bottled water in the bathroom to help make certain that they do not accidentally use tap water when brushing their teeth.

If you order raw fruits or vegetables, peel them yourself.

Some adventuresome travelers insist that in order to truly absorb the local flavor of their surrounding you must eat food from street vendors. Depending on the street vendor, this is often as easy way to experience Montezumas Revenge.

If you do get sick, remember over the counter medications such as Imodium can help with mild cases of diarrhea. However if you have contracted a bacteria or a parasite, antibiotics are a better way to go.

The most serious risk with stomach ailments is dehydration. Bring packets of oral rehydration salts on your trip which should be taken with plenty of clear fluids. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.


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