Always Tip Your Waiters in Cash

People who often travel because of the availability of cheap airplane tickets and cheap vacation packages often tend to eat out at restaurants while away and tend to leave their tips via credit cards, unaware of the many reasons to tip in cash.

If you want your server to be assured of his or her fair share of your tip, you should leave it in cash. The following reasons are why:

Cash tips enable servers to take that money home that night. Servers have generally found that when tips are distributed by check, often later, they are seldom accurate. Usually the problem is poor bookkeeping vs. malicious intent.

Owners and managers have been known to tamper with servers tips. Some owners intentionally steal tips. This happens more often when servers pool their tips among themselves, busboys, and whoever else shares in the pot.

Owners sometimes use tips to illegally pay for non-servers, such as pastry chefs and banquet managers. Owners have also occasionally created no show jobs and paid their children, drivers, and others out of a tip pool.

Some owners illegally force servers to turn over a cut of their tips to kitchen staff.

Select owners make servers pay the credit card fees that credit card companies charge per transaction out of their tip. Some owners illegally make servers pay the credit card fee generated by the entire bill vs. just the tip.

Servers relay on tips, given that they typically make between $2 to $3 an hour in wages (federal minimum wage for servers is $2.13).
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